Jak psát o dnešním umění?

Jak psát o dnešním umění?

Jak psát o dnešním umění?

Nedávno se na sociální síti pod recenzí představení současného tance strhla debata, v níž umělci diskutovali o tom, jak se o jejich dílech píše. Jev velice ojedinělý, ale o to vítanější. Kritická reflexe se častěji probírá mezi kritiky a teoretiky – interně v rámci redakcí, na fakultách, kde se vyučuje, nebo na konferencích (například tento čtvrtek v Divadelním ústavu). Z vlastních rozhovorů s tanečníky často cítím jejich skeptický postoj ke kritice jako takové. Cítí se nepochopeni, těžko snášejí, pokud je autor v pravém slova smyslu kritický, pokud nevidí vše, co mělo dílo sdělit. Na druhou stranu kladné recenze rádi používají ve svých propagačních materiálech; výňatky z nich pravidelně zaznívají při předávání různých cen.

Recenzi chápu jako zpětnou vazbu divákům i autorům představení. Pro čtenáře má recenze snad informační hodnotu, co od představení čekat, poskytuje názor (vždy subjektivní) ohledně přínosů či nedostatků díla v rámci širšího kontextu vlastních zkušeností pisatele. Umělci zase přináší komplexní feedback dojmů, které dílo vyvolá. Pokud dílo nenajde u konkrétního jedince odezvu, možná stojí za to přemýšlet proč? Je kritik vždy prostě jen idiot?

Hlavní otázkou je ale dnes především to, jak psát o alternativních pohybových formách, které přesahují běžné divadelní postupy. Tvůrci mluví o svých dílech ne jako o produktech, ale jako o procesech. Nevyprávějí příběh, nemají třeba ani pevnou strukturu, pracují s improvizací… Takové umění samozřejmě není novinkou posledních několika let, zdá se ale, že kritika stále hledá cestu k tomu, jak je produktivně reflektovat.

Během dané debaty na sociální síti padl návrh, že kritici a umělci by měli více společně diskutovat o současném umění a různých pohledech na tyto inscenace, které, jak už bylo zmíněno, nejsou tolik produkty, jako spíš procesy. Taková diskuse by jistě byla přínosná pro všechny zúčastněné. V dnešním polarizovaném světě, kdy je běžné zaujímat postoj „proti něčemu“, je důležité udržet si otevřenou mysl a vést vzájemný dialog. Takže teď už zbývá jediná otázka: Kdy to provedeme? 

Témata článku


Re: Commentary

vložil Josef Bartoš

Reaguje na: Commentary
Because the iniciativ discurs on FB was hold in english, I would continuo in common language in contemporary dance, so everyone can be involved.
I propose to make a meeting in Studio ALTA on 16th of January at 3pm. Those Who cant be in Prague can be involved thanks to Skype etc. I count with that so the ones Who wants to be part of the meeting should Just arrive. We Will manage some moderátor, to help us to speak constructively. Im looking forward to hear many positive propositions how to grow UP Czech dance and writing.
Dear Lucia, I would like to propose that more dates and different timings (morning, afternoon, night) are offered. I am afraid that with one option only, there won't be many people just because they have work etc. (so in that case Skype would not work either).

Re: Commentary

vložil Petra Dotlačilová

Reaguje na: Commentary
Lovely! Thank you, Petra, for this article!

What stands out to me is right away the fact, that you describe right in the article. Which is how it is uncommon for artists and theoreticians to meet and talk about work.

I guess the whole question in “how to...” is starting with a simple word - meeting. If both as the reviewers and artists we just give into the production machinery of it all, we are not actually learning from each other. We write to make sure other writers appreciate our writing and we create art to make sure other artists appreciate our art. And we can use each other indirectly to be more valued in what we do, or get mad with each other, when the impact seems to produce the contrary. But, what if instead of that, we actually meet and actually see, actually listen, actually experience and share?!

If all we wanna do is sell, we make sure to manipulate the expectations of the “consumer”. When we put ourselves apart from each other or from the actual reader/spectator, all we end up doing is patronising - “let me tell you what to feel with my piece and let me explain to you why the piece has or has not any value”.

When we talk about “not creating a product”, it doesn’t mean there is no statement, content, essence. “To make it about the process” sounds like such a cliche and an empty phrase ( often used only as a trendy branding anyway). What it actually points towards is not patronising with the piece of art. Not coming and preaching with a definite interpretation of something. Not saying “this is how things are, look and learn dear audience”. And when the work attempts to change such expectation? Could the review help with that? How does the reviewer watch thie work? Can she watch first, to really see what is really at stake, before she analyses and thinks? Can she write about the work in a similar, non-patronising way? Who is the reader and how is this writing relevant to her?

I hope my words can be inspiring for the talks. I am anyway glad and very excited about what is already happening. Meeting.
Thank you Peter for additional contribution to the discussion, which is much appreciated, and Thanks to Lucia for proposing the date!
As I live long term abroad, it is difficult for me to be present physically - at least in January, for that month my travel plans have been settled long time ago. But of course I can participate via Skype! Otherwise I am able to arrange my travels for the next months, if there are more dates available. We can also make it into a series, if people are interested!


vložil Peter Savel

Reaguje na:
Lovely! Thank you, Petra, for this article!

What stands out to me is right away the fact, that you describe right in the article. Which is how it is uncommon for artists and theoreticians to meet and talk about work.

I guess the whole question in “how to...” is starting with a simple word - meeting. If both as the reviewers and artists we just give into the production machinery of it all, we are not actually learning from each other. We write to make sure other writers appreciate our writing and we create art to make sure other artists appreciate our art. And we can use each other indirectly to be more valued in what we do, or get mad with each other, when the impact seems to produce the contrary. But, what if instead of that, we actually meet and actually see, actually listen, actually experience and share?!

If all we wanna do is sell, we make sure to manipulate the expectations of the “consumer”. When we put ourselves apart from each other or from the actual reader/spectator, all we end up doing is patronising - “let me tell you what to feel with my piece and let me explain to you why the piece has or has not any value”.

When we talk about “not creating a product”, it doesn’t mean there is no statement, content, essence. “To make it about the process” sounds like such a cliche and an empty phrase ( often used only as a trendy branding anyway). What it actually points towards is not patronising with the piece of art. Not coming and preaching with a definite interpretation of something. Not saying “this is how things are, look and learn dear audience”. And when the work attempts to change such expectation? Could the review help with that? How does the reviewer watch thie work? Can she watch first, to really see what is really at stake, before she analyses and thinks? Can she write about the work in a similar, non-patronising way? Who is the reader and how is this writing relevant to her?

I hope my words can be inspiring for the talks. I am anyway glad and very excited about what is already happening. Meeting.


vložil Lucia Kašiarová

Reaguje na:
Because the iniciativ discurs on FB was hold in english, I would continuo in common language in contemporary dance, so everyone can be involved.
I propose to make a meeting in Studio ALTA on 16th of January at 3pm. Those Who cant be in Prague can be involved thanks to Skype etc. I count with that so the ones Who wants to be part of the meeting should Just arrive. We Will manage some moderátor, to help us to speak constructively. Im looking forward to hear many positive propositions how to grow UP Czech dance and writing.

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