
The Miniatures performance that is almost a permanent guest on the repertoire of the National Theatre shows members of its ballet ensemble from another point of view because it provides some of them with possibilities to test their choreographic ambitions on the stage of the Estates Theatre. They could do so on Wednesday, 4th March when the audience could judge their strive in ten choreographies; this is a very nutritious and almost an indigestible portion.


The Miniatures performance that is almost a permanent guest on the repertoire of the National Theatre shows members of its ballet ensemble from another point of view because it provides some of them with possibilities to test their choreographic ambitions on the stage of the Estates Theatre. They could do so on Wednesday, 4th March when the audience could judge their strive in ten choreographies; this is a very nutritious and almost an indigestible portion.

Table Culture

Those who decided to go to theatre Alfred ve dvore despite the unpleasant Thursday’s weather weren’t disappointed. New project entitled “Table Culture” by Jan Komárek premiered that evening. The well-established group from previous “paper dancers project” including Marie Kinsky, Andrea Miltnerová, Zdenka Brungot Svíteková, Dagmar Chaloupková, Petra Mandová a Michaela Suša with a newcomer Petra Púčiková met in this new piece.

Table Culture

Those who decided to go to theatre Alfred ve dvore despite the unpleasant Thursday’s weather weren’t disappointed. New project entitled “Table Culture” by Jan Komárek premiered that evening. The well-established group from previous “paper dancers project” including Marie Kinsky, Andrea Miltnerová, Zdenka Brungot Svíteková, Dagmar Chaloupková, Petra Mandová a Michaela Suša with a newcomer Petra Púčiková met in this new piece.