Kauza Prométheus… a jiné příběhy v podání Baletu Praha Junior

Kauza Prométheus… a jiné příběhy v podání Baletu Praha Junior

Kauza Prométheus… a jiné příběhy v podání Baletu Praha Junior

Balet Praha Junior připravuje pro druhý premiérový večer sezony jednoaktový balet s názvem Kauza Prométheus na hudbu Ludwiga van Beethovena. Balet pro soubor složený ze studentů Tanečního centra Praha vytvořil choreograf Attila Egerházi. Program doplní další choreografie, které se v současné době připravují. Premiéra proběhne 19. března 2017 v Divadle na Vinohradech s doprovodem Smíchovské komorní filharmonie pod taktovkou Josefa Vondráčka. Představení bude věnováno Jiřímu Kyliánovi k jeho 70. narozeninám.

Choreograf Attila Egerházi ke Kauze Prométheus dodává:„Beethoven’s music is glowing than the fire. On the one hand, it was my intention in order to make visible - by the way of dance -the youthful Beethoven’s exuberant musical world. In the other hand, I want to create a persiflage-ballet for Prométheus heroic mythical story. The ballet in this way kind of demystification of his heroic myth. In my interpretation Prométheus is an anti hero, who turns into a hero despite his intention. Prométheus is an amorous young man, who would like to get Pandora on all prices. In my ballet the feminine side of Prométheus dominate in his character. Opposite this, Pandora’s character kind of ,macho‘. By virtue of this, the two characters in themselves just like Yin and Jang. The fire as a strong and elemnatry symbol significantly appears in the ballet. The fire is a symbol, that it expresses a man's desire after the unknown, after light and after knowledge. The fire that the gods possess and what blaze above on the top of the mountaine of Olympos. Just like in the case of the biblical Eva, Pandora likewise casts an eye to the secret object whit this causes problemes. She order from Prométheus – who is in love in her - to brings the fire down for her on all prizes. This desire and strong order of Pandora unexpectedly and finally makes that Prométheus became a hero. This situation gives a tragicomically flavor to the story and the ballet turns into kind of burlesque.”

Zdroj: Taneční centrum Praha - konzervatoř

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